Prices option


We sell our classes by set of 5 or 10 sessions of 2 hours each with 2 price options:


Flexi Option:

Set of 10 x 2hr classes = £645

Set of 5 x 2hr classes = £350

·  All classes can be taken over 3 months for a set of 5, and 4 months for a set of 10, starting from the date of the first class.

· To ensure working with specific tutors, we recommend your allocated slot to be on your regular date+ time

· If there is a change in date, or need to cancel your class you must inform Paintbox Studios by email.

· You can cancel a class and not lose it by giving us at least 24 hrs notice via email.


Taster class : £70

fixed option

 Set of 10 x 2hr classes = £595

Set of 5 x 2hr classes = £320

· You will need to give us all the dates for the 10/5 sessions before your first class via an email

· The classes can be spread over 3 months for a set of 5 and 4 months for a set of 10 from the date of the first class.

·  All dates are fixed and if you miss one class, this cannot be replaced.